DC-Cam Providing Improved Access to Health Care for Khmer Rouge Survivors in Bak Nim Village
in Collaboration with Pinoy Doctors, Demosthenes “Demy” Reyes and Socorro Reyes for Khmer Rouge Survivors at Bak Nim Village
Report by Lim I-phing & Chey Chansineth
March 18, 2023
During the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979), whole cities and villages were emptied of people. Bak Nim village is a small rural village that underwent forced evacuations by the Khmer Rouge. Many residents were subjected to forced labor, starvation, and other forms of abuse. Elderly residents of Bak Nim village still live with haunting memories of the Khmer Rouge period, including the loss of family members, forced labor, and starvation. Despite the passage of time, the memories of the Khmer Rouge regime continue to impact the lives and health of survivors and their families. The story of Bak Nim village and its residents is a reminder of the profound impact that the Khmer Rouge regime had, and continues to have, on the lives of ordinary Cambodians and the country.
The Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) organized a public health/public history – related forum on March 18, 2023, in Bak Nim village to provide free health screening for survivors and to assess and provide information and other support to survivors and families. DC-Cam was accompanied by two doctors from the Philippines, Doctors Demosthenes “Demy” Reyes and Socorro Reyes. Among the 120 attendees, 40 villagers who had never been to hospitals due to personal issues, had attended this first of the three sessions. The villagers and the DC-Cam staff and volunteers gathered at 7 a.m. to kick off the program. Staff briefed participants on the day’s agenda and prepared them for a health screening by two internationally-trained medical doctors. Each villager’s name was called one-by-one for blood and blood sugar checks, followed by one-on-one consultations with the doctors for detailed personal reviews of health concerns and a discussion about current medical prescriptions.
According to Doctor Demosthenes “Demy” Reyes, during these two days of health screening, they were able to complete a variety of critical procedures, such as, physical examination, checking of vital signs, fasting blood sugar levels, and EKG (an electrocardiogram –ECG or EKG– records the electrical signal from the heart to check for different heart conditions). The health screening identified the following conditions: 1.50 % of patients were diabetic type 2 – some even have no knowledge that they have diabetes; 2.85 % of patients had hypertension with blood pressure ranging from moderate to severe; 3.30 % of patients demonstrated abnormal EKG – from sinus tachycardia, AV block (AV: Atrioventricular), left ventricular hypertrophy to previous silent myocardial infarction: 4.10 % were having chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); and 5.90 % of the male patients are cigarette smokers.
He also provided prescriptions and instructions to each survivor with diabetes and hypertension to prevent further complication of the disease.
At 9 a.m. food and gifts were distributed to the villagers, who were all delighted and expressed their gratitude.
Two DC-Cam staff members asked for the villagers’ opinions and feedback on the health forum. A selection of the responses are provided below:
Mom Nao, female, who is 63 years old, said, “One of my eyes suffers from nerve pain and I have pain down half of my body. I also have stomach pain. I heard about this event through relatives, and I feel good coming today.”
Koem Reng, male, 58 years old claimed, “I have a sore neck, numb arms, and legs. This happens at random times, but I have taken pills to help me before. Today, I am happy and satisfied to be able to do this check up.”
Phlung Yoeng, male, 66 years old stated, “Before I had high blood pressure, but today I feel good, I just want to get a free check up to be aware of my current state.” After the check, he said he was relaxed and he is speaking in gratitude, “After receiving the free check, there is nothing more than raising 10 fingers to thank DC-Cam and the volunteers that helped us out and making this event. I pray for only the best and happiness for everyone here today.”
Chouk Thenh, male, 59 years old said, “Today, I have stomach and intestine issues that happens before and after I eat. I did take pills that temporarily helped me. I am very grateful for this free checkup today because I never heard or seen any NGO that would come to this village and do charity. After I took a blood test, I feel relaxed.”
Sou Yien, female, 59 years old claimed, “I have diabetes and today I feel very happy like no other day. My heart is full with gratitude. Being able to get this free checkup, it lessens my burdens and I can use the money to buy medicine. I never heard of an NGO since 1979 that would ever help.” She speaks as her tears fell down her cheeks, “On a daily basis I would only make $1 a day and some days I could barely make any money at all. So, receiving this support is like a lot and if earning it by myself would take months.”
The free primary health screening organized by DC-Cam and the volunteers in Bak Nim village was a much-needed relief for the villagers. The testimonies of Mom Nao, Koem Reng, Phlung Yoeng, Chouk Thenh, and Sou Yien reveal the health issues that they have been dealing with for a long time due to limited access to healthcare facilities. The event not only provided them with free medical services but also gave them a sense of hope and gratitude.
Many villagers expressed their appreciation for the kind gesture and acknowledged the rarity of such charity work in their village. This initiative by DC-Cam and the volunteers has not only improved the health of the villagers but also helped build a stronger bond between the community and the organization. It is heartening to see such acts of kindness and generosity, especially in underserved areas where people have limited access to healthcare facilities.