It was a breezy day outside, which reduced the harshness of the sun and made walking more comfortable. We came across these wonderful fields of green, and a man invited us into his lovely garden. He gestured to an area we could talk and we sat down on a wooden bed across from him. He told us his story. His name is Duch Vuth, and he is 66 years old. In 1975, he was a soldier of the Khmer Rouge. He was living with everyone and working according to what Angkar told him. He recalls participating in skirmishes and small battles near the Vietnamese border in 1976. After the conflict along the border ended, he and other villagers were evacuated to live in the forest for a very long time. In July 1979, he came back home. Today only 5 members of his family are still alive. He lost a couple of relatives and siblings.