We chanced upon a modest hut that appeared isolated and solitary. Disembarking from our van, we were greeted by the survivor with great enthusiasm. Mr. Koem Reng is 59 years old and he also resides in Bak Nim village. Similar to the other survivors’ stories, he stated he had to abandon his studies when the Khmer Rouge seized control of the country. As part of the children’s unit, he toiled relentlessly, performing arduous tasks such as lifting soil to construct dams in Steung Phe. Every day seemed like a battle for survival, and Mr. Reng clung to the hope that the regime would end soon. He was diligent and refused to be idle, knowing that any laziness could result in execution. If a person appeared to be lazy or less than productive, then he could be expected to be used as an example to others in the group.