Following a lengthy journey, the volunteers reached the residence of Grandpa Mom Thunn, who warmly extended an invitation into his home. Presently a 55-year-old farmer residing in Bak Nim village, Grandpa Mom Thunn finds it challenging to articulate the specifics of the regime, as he was quite young during that period. However, he retains vague recollections of being subjected to arduous labor while enduring meager sustenance. Insufficient access to education compounded the hardships he faced within the regime. The circumstances of being born into such a regime posed numerous obstacles for him and his family. Upon the regime’s liberation, he returned to his parents’ hometown in Kampot province. At the age of 10, he briefly received a limited education, but financial constraints and the considerable distance between his home and the school swiftly terminated his academic pursuits. Consequently, he transitioned into the role of a construction worker and has resided in Bak Nim village ever since.