CamboCorps volunteers had the chance to meet some people from Bak Nim village, in Kampot province. On the road, we passed by this particular house, which was as small as a hut. The walls were covered with giant metal plates and we decided to stop and greet the villager who lives there. We noticed the lady’s clothes were hanging against the metal plates as if she didn’t have a closet or drawer to keep her clothes properly. The lady’s name is Nuon Beuon, and she is a 60-year-old farmer living with her daughter and nephew. She mentioned she never wanted to be sick as a preface to her story. She told her story about how, during the Khmer Rouge, she was able to study until the 4th grade at which point, she was expected to help her parents with farming. Angkar then had evacuated her to a children’s unit, and she was assigned to dig canals and build dams like many other villagers. She stated how sad she was that she lost so many relatives like her uncle and siblings. Afterwards, Angkar forced her to marry a man by and she then had to evacuate from Pun-ley village to what is now called Bak Nim village.