It was a chilly morning with the sound of chickens chirping. Yeang Oh is a Khmer Rouge survivor and an ex-solider. He has been through it all: the bloodshed and the merciless killing of Cambodian people by the Angkar. Back then, he was tasked with distributing fertilizer, digging, and collecting manure. Nowadays, Yeang Oh is 60 years old and he is a farmer in Phum Bak Nim, Khum Chres, Chum Kiri district within the province of Kampot. After asking him about the Pol Pot regime, he immediately said that he would always want to cry every time he recalls the past. He remembers that he always feared and hated the Khmer Rouge because of their cruelty and ways of handling people with violence. He also added that, children were murdered mercilessly by the Khmer Rouge through stabbing and throwing them against trees until they stopped breathing. After the leader of the Khmer Rouge was sentenced to life imprisonment, Yeang Oh believes that he obtained justice after what they have done to him and his people. Sadly, he has a lot of chronic pain and disease due to old age and other factors associated with the Khmer Rouge regime. Whenever he remembers the Khmer Rouge regime he feels tired because of his forced labour.