It was a sunny day outside and we stopped in front of a concrete house. My team and I stepped out to introduce ourselves to the villagers and asked for their time to be interviewed. Phorn Vanny assumed the role of interviewer for one elderly man who offered to tell his story. The man’s name is Chung Yoeun, and he is 67 years old. In 1975, he was assigned to work at a mobile unit to build dams in Stung Thae. He was subsequently transferred to M-lech (area) where he continued his work. He then became a leader to watch over 3 villages: Phum Touch, Tan Ten, and Khna Rameas. He sees himself as a pseudo-savior for certain people who would have certainly faced persecution or death. He believes this because, as he states, he looked out for many people who were high ranking or associated with the prior government, wealthy or with elevated status, i.e., “New People.” He helped the new people to survive the regime. Afterwards, he went to Koh Sla to build dams until 1979 when the Vietnamese came. When the Khmer Rouge regime fell, he ran to Lor-Ang (Bonn) mountain. It would be many years before he returned home.