As the team walked through the dusty streets of the small village, we couldn’t help but notice an old man sitting outside his simple wooden home. He wore a basic stripe button-up shirt, and his face was weathered from years of working in the fields. My team approached him and introduced ourselves as CamboCorps volunteers who were interested in learning about his life during the Khmer Rouge and his current state. The old man, who introduced himself as Keo Saram, 72 years old, welcomed us into his home and he began to share his story. During the Khmer Rouge, he was a soldier in Prey Veng Province. After the liberation of Phnom Penh city, sometime around 1983, he retired as a former soldier. He also mentioned losing 2 younger siblings. As I spoke with Mr. Sarom, I couldn’t help but be struck by his quiet strength and determination. Despite the challenges he faced in his life, he remains deeply connected with his past and hopes the regime never returns.